Air You Can Wear
Can it possibly get any hotter! It was really hot coming across Alabama and Mississippi. I about stroked out changing those blowouts in the middle of the day. But since getting to Livingston it has only gotten hotter. In these few days that we have been waiting for jury duty to start, the temperature has reached epic highs. The actual temperature has peaked at 110 several times. And with near biblical rains in this area for the past few months everything is soaking wet, raising the humidity levels to the point that the heat index has been topping out between 115 and 118 degrees. The air is so thick you don't breath it, you wear it. Our 5th wheel RV has two of the largest air conditioners you can have on an RV at 15,000 BTU's a piece. But they can't begin to keep up with this kind of heat. The temperature in the rig rises steadily with the sun, staying roughly 20 degrees below outside ambient. So when it hits 110 outside we're...