What is it with people around here!?
My last post back in early May signed off with us hopeful that we had seen the last of the mean people. Memorial weekend had been a marked improvement in the clientele and it had been a very pleasant three day holiday to work. Alas, it did not last. School let out and wave after wave of campers that said; "we live just down the road" showed up. There truly were some gems in that bunch and we looked forward to seeing them but the mean and nasty crowd returned in force. Unfortunately the Corps of Engineers do not have any regulations against being a prick so we just had to deal with it. That being said, I am going to turn my writing attention to the more positive experiences and the oddities. Although there are a couple of high drama moments that have played out over the summer that are worth mentioning. That will be in following posts. May - June 2017 We continue to get settled in even though it has been weeks since arriving. The work...