
Showing posts from January, 2022

Full-Timer Spread

I think everyone has heard of middle-age spread and understands a waistline that bulges without respect to exercise or dieting.  There is a parallel to this in living space too.  It seems that whatever space you have, you fill it in time.  I think most who have had a home, be it a mansion or one bedroom apartment, has experienced bulging closets and crammed-full drawers. Full-timers, out of necessity, are hyper-aware of using the space available in their abode on wheels.  Weight and weight distribution is important and the use of the physical space of the usually no more than 400 sq/ft are always front and center in the mind. We started our full-timing experience with all the things we thought we would need  and a few things that would be nice to have but not absolutely necessary.  We also changed our attitude to collecting memories, not things, and adopted the rule that for anything purchased/acquired, something else would have to be disposed of.  Ano...