Hard Labor at Corps of Engineers, Granger Lake, TX
My apologies to those that prefer an easy time line to follow. My habit of writing about things in arrears with sometimes lengthy breaks between posts makes things a little harder. Doing things in arrears is by design for personal safety reasons but the breaks are for a variety of reasons, some in my control, some not. So to recap: Depart Georgia for Texas, October 2022 Family and Civic duty at home base, Oct/Nov 2022 Thanksgiving in North Texas, Nov 2022 Major repairs in Central Kansas, December 2022 Mad dash to beat Polar Bomb descending on Kansas, December 2022 The above are five of the nine posts that make up our return to travel volunteering post COVID. The posting prior to this one was our rush to get out of the central part of the country that was about to experience a wicked winter storm. We made it but with less that 36 hours to spare. The final dash south to our current location in central Texas was uneventful. We arrived Granger Lak...