Saturday was another hot day but I got an early start and washed the bugs off of the front of the camper and did a full wash on the truck before the sun got too high.  Then we took a short road trip and explored Conroe, TX, about an hour away.  As native Texans we have always known of Conroe, we even have family that live in the area.  But we have never been there and were surprised to see how much of a city it was.  I think we saw all the national brands of shopping and most of the major chains of eateries.

One of our favorites that we did not have in GA was Cavenders, a western wear store.  When we saw it, we pulled right in.  I had been looking for a specific kind of belt for months without luck, within 10 minutes of going in Cavenders I had one in my hand.

The great state of Texas is one that requires a license plate on both ends of the vehicle.  Since Big Gulp was built in Tennessee and Indiana, then delivered to Georgia, where they do not have front plates, it did not have a license plate holder on the front bumper.  It is going to be necessary that I acquire and install a front plate holder.  I had tried the Ford house in Livingston but the parts department was closed on Saturday.  As we were on the southern end of I-45 as it passed through Conroe we spotted a Ford dealership.  I made a quick exit and headed over on the chance that they were a big enough operation that they would be working on Saturday, and they were.

I pulled around back trying to find the entrance to the parts department but found something else way more interesting.  A Ford GT Saleen.

Look through the back window.  That is a supercharger sticking up in there about six inches away from the drivers head.  Since this thing makes the ground shake when it is turned off, I don't think a conversation is something that can be carried on while going down the road.  I still want one though.

I got my plate holder and a new brake pedal pad and we got back on the road to Livingston so we could get there in time to try out a Mexican food restaurant we've had our eye on for supper.  The menu had a Tex-Mex section that we both ordered from.  So much for the diet, again.  The place was packed with people, and for good reason.  The service was good and the food was better.  Then we really fell off the wagon and went over to Shrimp Boat Manny's for another slice of the fried pecan pie.

Sunday (Fathers Day) was mostly down-time for us.  Cyndee did not even get out of her night gown until after 4 in the afternoon.  I piddled around, installed the front license plate holder in anticipation of being successful at the tag office on Monday.  Since we only get a TV signal for about 30 minutes a day, we listened to a lot of music and watched 3 movies on Blu-ray.

Finally, around 5pm we got a wild hair and decided to run to Lufkin (about an hour away in the opposite direction we went for Conroe).  We got there just in time for the peak supper rush at all the restaurants on Fathers Day.  We spotted another favorite place that we did not have around where we lived in GA, Cheddars, and pulled in.  People were standing 15 deep but they must have been waiting for big tables because they sat the two of us in about 5 minutes.  The menu was extensive enough that we were able to stay on the reservation with our dietary needs.

The sun was setting just as we went in so it was fully dark when we came out.  We drove a lap around downtown but the place was a ghost town so we pointed Big Gulp south and headed back to Livingston.  It was a pretty night.  We still have not been anywhere dark enough yet to see stars like we used to when we were kids.  Maybe when we get to Caprock Canyons.


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