Moving Day - Ouch!

We got ourselves packed up and moved from Chattahoochee Bend State Park in Newnan, GA to Little Talapoosa Park in Carrollton, GA.  The drive took less time than it did to break camp and then set up again at the new spot.  We are in place just one day before we will be very busy with the movers while the kids are doing a double closing down in the middle of Atlanta.

Our campsite in the equestrian section is very large and despite being nothing but dirt and a little gravel, it is pretty nice.  It is spacious and widely spaced from the campsites on either side of us.  It did require a number of boards under our rear jacks to get things leveled out as there was a front to back slope on the whole site.  They removed a huge number of trees to build the equestrian sites so we have a clear shot at the satellites.  We'll have to get after the locating of a septic pumping service, aka honey wagon, since there is no sewer or dump station.

Back to helping the kids.  We will be coordinating the movers at the new house.  The timing on this thing is tight, they are doing the double-close on both houses and the buyers are requiring immediate possession of their old house which means they have a moving truck full of their possessions with nowhere to go for the night but will be at the new house first thing in the morning.  So while the kids are downtown signing about a thousand pages of legal documents we will be at the new house directing the movers on where to put things.

But for this afternoon we are going to explore our new environment and do a little shopping.  Again we sample some local fare, a Bar-B-Que dive.  Yes, it was good and no we have not been able to get back to clean eating.

Walmart, Kroger and Publix were all located and our fridge is now crammed full.  We're set for at least two weeks.  It's off to bed and an early rise tomorrow.

September 27, 2017

Moving day.  We are trying to find our way to Marietta, GA via back roads because using I-20 to I-285 to I-75 is simply not do-able.  Those roads are so crammed with throngs of vehicles and accidents that it is impassable a great deal of the time.  We are going to figure out a way to thread our way through the rural towns and suburbs.  It is going to be a lot of turns and a lot of lights but we should arrive alive.

Our first attempt got us there in an hour and fifteen minutes, less than half the time it would have taken if we had stayed at Chattahoochee Bend.  We're good with that.  Now we have to get that moving truck unloaded.

The new house came with a small barn/large shed in the back yard.  Our son-in-law custom makes knives and he has forges a hammer mill plus an anvil and a large assortment of hand tools for metal and leather working.  We're talking lots of equipment.

I was inspecting the shed and putting together a game plan for where to put everything.  The shed had hip roof that allowed for the rafters to be sheathed and used as a second floor, so long as you don't need to stand up straight.  There was a make-shift ladder that the previous owner had left in place.  I suppose for getting down his stuff on the move out.  I wanted to see if everything was cleared out and just how much room there was for putting the kids' stuff in.  I put my right foot on the second rung of the ladder and was in the process of lifting my left foot up to the third rung when things went crash, bang, boom.

The next thing I knew I was picking myself up off the floor, a little dazed but okay except for that searing pain in my ankle.  Well, crap, I've twisted my ankle.  It is not the first time, it will be inconvenient for a time but I'll get along.  But right now I need to get back to the house and get some ice on this thing to keep the swelling down.

Funny thing, as I hobbled back to the house the heel of my foot felt "squishy".  I thought maybe the swelling was already setting in so I made my way to the house and got it elevated and iced.  I set myself up in the driveway in a lawn chair with my foot propped up on the back of another chair and directed the movers between the shed, basement and house.  Once a load got in the house Cyndee took over on placement. After a couple hours of elevation the pain and swelling were getting worse.  It seems that I may have something more than a sprained ankle.

Cyndee called our son to come over after he got off work so he could take me to the local urgent care office.  She would have done it but someone had to stay with the movers, plus I needed somebody strong enough to be a crutch because now I could not let my foot touch the ground.

Long story short, the medical term for my injury was a displaced calcaneus fracture.  The simple description is that I broke my heel clean off!  The X-rays looked pretty gruesome.  They spent two hours after getting the X-rays deciding whether to have emergency surgery to put pins and screws in it tonight or if it could wait till the next day.  Ultimately they decided it could wait.  They put me in a half-cast, gave me a set of crutches and sent me home for the night.

A half-cast and wrapped in Ace bandages will
hold me until I can get to the orthopedic surgeon.
This is not my first time on crutches so I was able to motor right on out of the urgent care office and negotiate uneven surfaces and stairs without a lot of angst.  But because of the injection I got for pain there was going to be no driving for me.  Looks like Cyndee and I will be reversing rolls for awhile, she'll drive and I'll navigate....just as soon as my eyes quit rolling back in my head.


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