
Since arriving in Georgia in the late 80's we have adjusted to many things.  But there are two things that I never really acclimated to; eastern time and rarely seeing a sunset because of heavy forestation.  Staying up 'till 11:30 to see Carson's, and later Leno's monologue made for an unpleasant moment when the alarm went off the next day.  But as unpleasant as that was, not being able to see sunsets drug on me more for nearly 25 years.

This moving into an RV and being able to make home wherever I wanted it to be was going to remedy the sunset problem and tremendously improve the stargazing as well.  But we got an unexpected bonus in that our current camping spot, while still just a couple miles from where we have lived for the last two decades, gives us a whole different view of the countryside.  The spot we are currently backed into borders a small farm that has gone fallow.  But it has not been left alone long enough yet that trees have grown back, and that is affording us some of the best sunsets we have seen in a long time, right out our full-width picture window on the rear of the rig.

Granted, these are not West Texas sunsets where the sky has layers of blood-red and orange, but I'll take it.  We'll get to the real sunsets soon.


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