Next stop, Cameron Trading Post

Our journey to Flagstaff continues.  Even though the last few posts span a couple days, our journey is still in its first day.  The early morning saw the Vermillion Cliffs and Lee's Ferry.  Mid-day brought us to the Navajo Bridge and a condor sighting I won't soon forget.  Now we are making our way to the South Rim via Cameron Trading Post where there is promise of lunch and another chance for Cyndee to find that perfect pair of turquoise earrings.  She has been on this quest since we left Georgia four months ago.  All through Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and eastern Arizona she has plied every little shop and craft show trying to find that just right pair.  So far, nada.  Cameron has a huge turquoise jewelry section with both local artist and mass produced trinkets.  Surely she will find something there.

This place has a little bit of everything; Gift Shop, Restaurant, Motel, Garden, RV Park, Gas Station and more.

I was starved, but unfortunately for me a couple of tourist busses had just disgorged their passengers and it seemed every single one of them was waiting in line to be seated in the restaurant.  For Cyndee that just meant more time to look for earrings.  So we plied the jewelry racks and glass cases until my belly button was rubbing a blister on my backbone. 

With no success in the earring quest we finally saw the line get short enough to make a stab at getting seated.  Once inside we saw some decorating worth mentioning.  The ceiling of the dining room had been done in stamped metal.  Very turn of the century.  My smart phone camera did not handle the lighting very well but you can click on the link to the Cameron Trading Post and see some professional shots of this nice work.

The Navajo rug above the fireplace in the below picture had a price tag on it that read; "$40,000".  Yeah, why don't you wrap up two of those for me.

We had read in a travel guide that the food was unremarkable but they did have dishes that included Indian fry-bread.  I can't say no to Indian fry-bread and I was really hungry, so I ordered the biggest dish they had that included the fry-bread.  They call it their famous Navajo taco and you can get a regular size one or a mini.  Mini schminy, bring me the big one and maybe I'll even get a second one.

They obliged me and delivered a large dinner plate that was completely covered by a piece of fry-bread which was smothered in ground beef, beans, fresh chopped green chili, lettuce and tomato.  And a gob of cheese.

Okay, so I won't be getting a second one.  Cyndee had to roll me out of there in a wheel barrow after I ate the whole thing.  But, the nice thing is, I was done eating for the day.  Nope, won't need a bite of anything else until tomorrow.  I wish.  We all know it does not work that way.  I'm really going to dread getting on the scales when we get home.


  1. Nice to enjoy some good eats. Ya'll are doing great on your diets, don't obsess!
    Still enjoying the beautiful scenery, condors and all!
    Theresa C

    1. We don't obsess but we do have to stay on top of our diets or the weight gets away from us pretty quick. When we had a friend from Texas come stay with us for just three days I jumped 12 pounds! If I don't pay close attention I get in trouble pretty quick.


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