Deep Recliner Sitting

You know, sometimes you just don't want to do anything.  We had been on duty seven days a week as volunteers for Chattahoochee Bend State Park for 14 months and then nearly a week long, nerve wracking, excruciatingly hot trip from Georgia to Texas.  We wanted some down time and decided to take it.  Both of us got in our recliners, kicked back and catnapped almost all day.

There were a couple of moments of lucidness where phone calls were made.  We inquired about how to volunteer for jury duty and learned to our surprise that they seat juries only on the second Monday of every month, and that was four days ago.  But for some strange reason they had a heavy court schedule this June and would be seating a jury on the third Monday also.  All we needed to do was to show up.

The Rainbow's End Escapee Park has a lot of amenities and features.  There's a clubhouse, pool, onsite insurance agency, and mail service to name a few.  They also have a facility called CARE, it's a place you can park your rig while recuperating from surgery or long-term illness.  They provide three meals a day, shuttle you to doctors appointments or grocery shopping, do light housekeeping and even walk the dog if you can't.

We are signing up for their SmartWeigh service.  It is a precision weighing system that weighs every single wheel position independently.  Weighing in this manner lets you determine load balance in the trailer as well as accurate weights on the truck axles plus all the calculated weights for gross vehicle weight and gross combined vehicle weight.  With the tire troubles we have had I want to get an accurate weight on each wheel to see if I have a load problem.

Whew, I'm exhausted.  It's back to deep recliner sitting for me.


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