Camp TV


Mid/Late October 2024

You read that right, I'm talking about camp TV.  That's when you have a campsite with a great view and can watch the comings and goings of campers, kids on their bikes and scooters and the constantly changing light on the desert and mountains surrounding us.  Just set out your favorite camp chair, grab a camera and let what is before you in.

So far, thankfully, all the drama has been in the sunsets and sunrises.  The campers just doing their thing has been pleasant to watch.  The desert and mountains may be silent to the ears but they are loud to the eyes.
Looking west over the Panamint mountains.
That tiny white dot to the top and left of the tree is not
a star.  It is the planet Venus.  Incredible how visible it is 
even with so much light still in the western sky.

Sunset casting shadows on the Funeral Mountains as 
the moon rises.
One morning I was between rounds and was catching a little camp TV when I heard some scratching noises behind me.  I got the camera out of my pocket and took this shot over my shoulder.  Before I could click the button for a second shot he was gone.
So far this Roadrunner is the only wildlife we have seen 
with the exception of a pack of 3 coyotes that live on the 
golf course.
Most days the sky is absolutely void of clouds.  Makes for pretty plain pictures, so when there are clouds I have the camera out and ready to go.
Sunrise over the Funeral Mountains.
If you click on the image and enlarge you will see a 
thin sliver of the sun, dead center of the picture.

Same picture as above only digitally altered to add light 
on the lower half of the frame.

Looking southwest from our camper.  A little color 
and a nice crescent moon.
It's getting dark pretty early now and we are enjoying less-than-scorching-hot temperatures for evening camp TV.
We acquired a solar powered spotlight for our "On Duty" 
sign and started turning on our porch light so people 
could find us.
I do have one nice shot without clouds.  It was shortly after sunrise and we were doing rounds when I looked up saw our campsite framed by the beautifully lit Panamint Mountains.
I can hear a former volunteer supervisor's voice in my head saying: "Get to Work!".  Guess I better get back to it.


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