Getting home back "home"

The day after the 4th was a lot like the day before the fourth.  Lots of folks helping with whatever needed to be done.  The carcasses of all the spent fireworks had to be cleared from the dam and decorations from all around the property had to be taken down and stored until the next independence celebration.

When the cleaning up was all done, it was a caravan of vans and trucks to the Pizza Hut where the buffet was stressed to keep up with the McFarlin clan.

There was some last minute visiting and then it was time to start rigging the camper for travel.

We had made the trip from Oklahoma to Georgia many times in the past 22 years.  This time it felt familiar and new at the same time.  Before, we have always been headed back to put the camper in storage, go to the house, unpack and start doing all the chores and maintenance that had been left undone in our abscence.  Most times it would take days to get caught up.  But this time there is no house to return to, no yard that needs mowing, no plants dieing from thirst needing rescue, no mountain of travel-laundry to be done (the camper has a washer and dryer, laundry was done as needed wherever we were).  All we had to do was hitch up and get back to our campground.  Once in our spot, leveled up and plugged in, we were ready to pick up where we left off.

Home now goes where we go, so wherever we go is home.


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