An idea hatched.....

Since the early days of our marriage in the late 1970's we were campers. At first it was pure backpacking; weekend and vacation trips into northern New Mexico with just backpacks a tent and two Siberian Husky pack dogs. 

Then came children and we evolved to very close to home car-camping trips near where we lived in Oklahoma.  We were now bringing luxurious items with us to Corp of Engineers and State Park campgrounds like two-burner Coleman stoves, a variety of shoes and, of course, all the accouterments it takes to support toddlers.

The kids grew but we still car camped.  Now it was bicycles and air mattresses, sports equipment, boom boxes, 9" TV's with built in VHS players, folding chairs, screened cabana for the picnic table and more.  And don't forget the two Huskies.  My 1979 Bronco would be packed to the gills.

After a number of consecutive, very wet camping trips (we are talking float the air mattresses right out of the tent and down the trail) over the course of a spring and fall camping season, the four of us decided it would be nice to have a way to camp up, off the ground, water-tight and roomier than a tent.  In 1999 we upgraded our camping experience by purchasing a pop-up.  Not only did it meet the aforementioned requirements but it had an air conditioner too.  We were now ready to camp all summer long in the southern climes of Georgia and Florida.

After only a few trips in our little RV we realized that we were getting a taste of what an RV'ing lifestyle was like,,,, and we liked it!  But then, during some casual conversations with fellow campers in a campground in North Georgia we discovered that some people actually lived in their RV's, by choice.  They called themselves "full timers".  They lived in their RVs 365 days a year and did not own anything but the RV and what was in it.

We were intrigued by these people and thought how nice it was that they were able to live that lifestyle.  We did not realize on that day that an idea had taken hold of our brains and that faint and distant voices would become clearer and closer until the day came that we decided that if we laid out a plan that we too could one day be full timers.


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