Holding Pattern

Just hanging out, waiting for the doctor's visit next week that will hopefully release us to travel.  In the mean time we are just piddling around and fine tuning the stock in our pantry.  It's not like we are going to be somewhere that we cannot get groceries, but once we get going we are going to be very busy for several weeks.  Time to grocery shop will be limited.

We are also starting to get Putt-Putt cleaned up and ready to take in to CarMax, but the weather has been uncooperative.  It has rained mud balls the last several nights and we have heavy rain predicted for the next couple more.  We'll see if we can get it in after the weekend.

After trying to attract humming birds for weeks with no success and then finally taking down the feeder in preparation to leave, we put it back out after finding out we would be around a few more weeks.  It was more of something to do rather than really expecting anything but, surprise, a humming bird started showing up.  It was just barely a blur at first, you weren't really sure if you saw something or not.  But now, after a few days the little beast is hovering and taking longer drinks.  Now we can at least see that he/she is green, and really small.  I am used to seeing ruby throated ones, but this one is about half that size.  Even though it has gone to taking longer drinks, it is still moving rapidly, too rapidly for my camera to catch a decent shot.  I have had to shoot through the window, and screen.  Between the tinted glass and low light levels it has been a challenge to get a sharp picture with good color saturation.  But here is what I got:

Not my best photography.  But I did try to "stalk" it.  Cyndee had gone to dinner with friends from work so I got out a camp chair and set up with my camera several feet away.  I was being patient but nothing was happening.  After awhile I heard some rustling at my feet and I think I found at least a contributing factor to not seeing a bird.

Kitty Cat, the campground cat had walked up to hang out with me and wait for tasty morsels.  She has come to like us a lot as the big bird feeders we kept stocked provided her with ample hunting opportunities.  She had become quite adept at catching doves that preferred to scratch around on the ground under the feeders.  I don't think the humming birds have anything to worry about but they are a skittish bunch and decided to stay away.

Cyndee's doctor appointment is early next week, so, kids, if you are reading this and we get the green light from the doctor, you are now off the hook for Mom's birthday and Fathers Day.

T -4 days until departing Georgia (clock stopped and holding)


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