And It Just Gets Wierder

After our little SWAT team raid yesterday I thought that it might be an early culmination to weird goings on in the campground for awhile.  Not so.

In the middle of the afternoon I was alerted to a possible squatter on one of our campsites.  Sure enough, when I got over there, there was a fire going in the fire pit, at least six empty cans of beer on the table and what appeared to be a full glass of wine and a half melted pint of Haagen Dazs ice cream with a single, young male prancing around the table and delighted to see me.  I recognized him as one of the evening cashiers from our General Store and asked him what he had going on and if he knew that he was breaking about nine different rules.  He said that he was just having a little party (by himself??) and how pretty he thought my name was.  Wow, this guy is toasted.

I told him that he was going to have to get his stuff and get cleared out and while he was doing that I would go get water to kill the fire and buckets to clean out the fire pit before the people that had the site reserved arrived.  When I got back with the equipment he was still there and hovered around me while I did my fire pit cleaning routine, all the while telling me how great I was and patting me on the shoulder and arms.  Again I told him he had to clear out but even as I was getting in the ATV and buckling up he was standing at my side, chattering and now patting on my leg.  WELL, GOTTA GO, SEE YA.  And I drove away.

I stopped and helped a couple of campers on the way to the ranger station so it was awhile before I got to relay what happened to a ranger.  But just as I was leaving the ranger station one of our LE's (the one that was sporting the AR-15 in yesterday's manhunt) drove up and asked if I had seen an individual in the campground that they were looking for.  He gave me the description and guess what, it was the same guy I had just run off from the campsite.  Seems that they had gotten reports of a person walking through the campground and looking into people's cars.

Long story short, they caught up with him and after checking into his background found that there was enough there that he was arrested and they made the ten hour round trip to take him to jail in Flagstaff.  The LE wouldn't tell me what the charges were but he did say he would not be coming back.  I guess the General Store is going to be short an evening clerk.


  1. Laughing. Well you are in the wild west!!! Strange indeed. You still have your wrist watch right? Hahaha Sully

    1. I quit wearing a watch the day I retired but I did double check to make sure my wedding ring was still there.


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