Last night we thoroughly enjoyed hearing the wind rustle through the tops of the giant Ponderosa Pines without ever feeling a gust shake our camper.  And no dust either.  We slept like babies but not yet adjusted to the 2 hour time zone change, woke at 5:00am.  Laying there in a waking grog we began to realize we were hearing the tinkling sound of ice pellets on our fiberglass roof.

Getting up to check the temperature, it was found to be 35 deg.  No worries, too warm for anything to stick around and besides, the sun was coming up and it would get warmer.  Yeah, no.

With each passing half-hour the mercury dropped and before 8:00am the temperature was 30 deg  and the ice pellets had become a full-on snow storm.  And it just kept snowing, buy mid-day we had several inches piled up on non-road surfaces.  That’s when the temperature started jumping around.  It would get above freezing for a while and melt most of the accumulation, and then the temp would drop again all the while snowing.  It was that fine, powdery snow that was coming down heavy enough to make it appear like fog.  So much for my plans to wash the camper and truck today.
Snow in the middle of May

No outdoor activities today.  We'll just stay snug inside and wait for this to blow over.


  1. Natasha said it is 108 in Big Bend. You want the heat or cold?
    Larry & Julie

    1. That heat in Big Bend is going to last all summer long, our little cold spell is already over. We'll take the cool pines for now.


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